When Can I Register for Classes?
You can register for classes after registration opens for your amount of academic credits. Second-year students are given priority registration so they can secure the classes they need to graduate. Look for all the admissions and registration deadlines on our important dates calendar.
Course Prerequisites
Some courses have required prerequisites. They are shown in the quarterly class schedule under "Enrollment Requirements.'"You are blocked from registering in these classes until any prerequisites are satisfied.
Directed Student Placement ensures students meet required prerequisites and mathematics courses. Students not meeting the prerequisite are not allowed to register for mathematics or courses requiring a mathematics prerequisite. Our directed student placement helps you determine which English courses you take. Please note that English placement depends on prior achievements and you are not required to take an English placement test.
How to Register For Classes
Build a Class Schedule
If you have not already, start using our class search tool to find the classes you need. Use the search fields narrow your search by location, quarter, subject, status and more.
For each class, click the four or five digit "Class Nbr" from the left column. More information, including the number of available seats, dates, course descriptions, etc.
Write down the "Class Nbr" for each course you would like to register for. You need these numbers when registering.
Registering Your Courses in ctcLink
You can sign up for your classes online. Remember, registered classes can be adjusted through the second day of the quarter.
If you have concerns about your classes after registering be sure to meet with a counselor
Click on Student Homepage.
Click on Manage Classes.
Click Class Search and Enroll. Next click on term, be sure college is SCC.
In Search for Classes, enter course subject or other keywords, press enter and select desired course from search results.
For more information on classes, click the link under the class column and it will pop up a window providing detailed information, i.e. if there are any prerequisite requirements, books, etc.
Once you have decided which class best fits your schedule, select that class.
Click next in upper right corner once you have selected desired class.
Click accept in the upper right corner.
Select enroll or add to shopping cart, click next.
To submit, click submit in right corner.
A pop-up will appear to finalize the added class.
Confirmation of selected class!
You can also enroll in classes, view wait lists, or drop classes in the ctcLink Mobile App. For more information go to the ctcLink Mobile App Directions online.
Always check your list of registered classes after adding or dropping courses to double check that your schedule is accurate.
What's Next?
Way to go, you've finished registering and you're almost ready for your first day. Just a few more things to take care before your first day: