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College in the High School is a cooperative program between local school districts and Spokane Community College (SCC). It allows high school students to earn SCC credit while simultaneously earning their high school cte credit for approved courses.

What is College in the High School?

The courses are taught by qualified high school teachers who work closely with Spokane Community College faculty liaisons to ensure the work students perform in the high school course is equivalent to a similar course taught on campus.

College in the High School increases the educational options for highly motivated high school students who wish to earn college credit for courses deemed equivalent in rigor and content to Spokane Community College courses. The credits earned from College in the High School, will also lead to a Bachelor’s degree.

High School Teachers

High school teachers benefit from the experience of teaching a college-level course, setting higher standards for students, and helping to prepare students for higher education. Each participating high school teacher receives training and works collaboratively with a Spokane Community College Faculty Liaison within the discipline they are teaching. The Faculty Liaison assists in curriculum development, assessment standards, teaching methodology, and can provide valuable supplemental material.

High School Teacher Minimum Qualifications

High school faculty will meet Spokane Community College adjunct instructor qualifications for the appropriate college department: A master’s degree in the field of educational service or a closely related field.

The CiHS program will adhere to appropriate Washington Administrative Codes (WAC) and Policy 2.012 regarding qualifications for community and technical college personnel.

Alternative Programs

Two women on campus in spring
Running Start

Are you a junior or senior in high school looking for advanced courses? With Running Start, you earn high school and college credit at the same time.

a Manufacturing student working on a machine
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit provides career pathways for high school students. CTE Dual Credit classes are taught at the high school or skills center and integrate academics with technical skills.