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Who Needs Math Placement?

At Spokane Community College (SCC), some programs require math placement -- a skills assessment that ensures you will be successful in your classes. To find out if your program requires math placement, view our Math Pathways page, or contact us at 509-533-7074 or

Being placed in the right classes early in your college career makes it more likely you will successfully complete your degree or program. At the Testing Center, we help you begin your studies at SCC in classes that aren't too hard or too easy.


Complete your math placement without testing, without coming to campus

*Running Start Students: Your placement must be coordinated through the Running Start Office. Email or call 509-533-8062.

For all others, please answer as many questions on our Math Placement Questionnaire as you can. If you have a high school transcript, unofficial college transcript or placement test results from another college, please attach them before submitting.

We'll be in touch to provide your next steps.

English Requirements

At Spokane Community College (SCC), some programs require English 101. Most students with a GED, High School Diploma, or Running Start status are ready for and take English 101 their first quarter. English 101 is an exciting class that prepares students to write in college courses. With only 22 students per class and an engaging instructor along with the support of our robust writing center, we are excited to work with you as you begin your journey as a college writer.

To find out if your program requires English 101, contact an academic counselor by email or by calling 509-533-8400.

For questions about registration, degree requirements, class options, or if you have previously completed a baccalaureate degree, visit our Counseling & Academic Advising page.

For additional information about English options, please contact Liz Roewe at