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Students have a responsibility to …

Know and follow the rules. Admission to Spokane Colleges carries with it the presumption that students will conduct themselves as responsible members of the academic community.

This includes obeying the law, complying with policies, procedures and rules of the district, the colleges and departments, maintaining a high standard of integrity and honesty, and respecting the rights of other members of Spokane Colleges. Visit the Washington State Legislature’s Standard of Conduct for Students to learn more.

Students – not their parents or family members, instructors, nor their classmates – are responsible for coursework, for filing annual financial aid forms, registering for and withdrawing from classes, and petitioning to graduate.

Spokane Community College has established four learning abilities we hope each student will do successfully while at SCC. Those abilities are responsibility, communication, critical thinking, and global awareness. Responsibility is described as having “the ability to recognize, understand and accept ownership for learning by self-assessing, demonstrating, and evaluating behaviors that support the learning situation.” The learning environment includes not only the classroom, but the complete campus community; the fitness center, admissions office, library, cafĂ©, and on-line course blogs.

Students have a responsibility to behave in ways that support their learning – and to ask for assistance when they believe others are not.

Spokane Colleges’ Policies

Spokane Colleges’ policies that apply to students can be accessed on the district website.