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PLEASE NOTE: To provide a more user-friendly interface, DAS has updated their online accommodation system to the latest version. Applications and accommodation activation may temporarily be affected. Please contact DAS at (509) 533-7169 or with any questions or issues. Thank you for your patience!

Welcome to Disability Access Services at SCC!

We recognize disability as a valued part of diversity. We help students with disabilities receive equal access to Spokane Community College (SCC) programs and services. Our staff also serves as a resource for the SCC campus, promoting universal design and helping to create environments where students feel welcome and included. 

What does Disability Access Services do?

DAS provides reasonable accommodations and support services in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. DAS serves students in both credit and non-credit programs – which includes on-campus, online, and SCC’s remote campus locations. Services provided through the DAS office may include, but are not limited to:

  • Testing accommodations
  • Ergonomic furniture and equipment
  • Assistive/Adaptive technology
  • Classroom accommodations
  • Alternative format for class materials and textbooks
  • Closed Captioning
  • ASL interpreters
  • Priority registration

Accommodations and services are determined on an individualized basis through an interactive process which requires student engagement.

Students need to be aware that it could take between 1-5 weeks, sometimes longer, to receive and implement accommodations with DAS. This is based on a number of potential factors, including but not limited to: the nature of a student’s accommodation requests, the availability of appropriate supporting documentation, and scheduling appointments during peak periods of a quarter.

Once accommodations are established, they are applied proactively rather than retroactively, so planning ahead is very important.

Who is Eligible?

Any SCC student who is experiencing a disability or access barrier may apply to Disability Access Services. A disability is defined by the ADA as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” These can include both visible and invisible disabilities. Examples are:

  • Learning disabilities – dyslexia, dyscalculia, processing disorders, etc.
  • Mental Health diagnoses – anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc.
  • Chronic illnesses or health conditions
  • Neurological disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Intellectual or developmental disabilities
  • Blindness or vision loss
  • Deaf or hard of hearing
  • Physical or mobility conditions
  • Temporary conditions – broken bone or injury, acute illness, concussion, pregnancy, or recovery from surgery, etc.

Getting Started

  1. Be a registered Spokane Community College student.
  2. Complete the online application for Disability Access Services
    1. You will be required to use your SCC Bigfoot student email address to complete the application. If you have not used your Bigfoot email address and need help accessing it, please visit the SCC Bigfoot Email Help Webpage.
    2. If you have an accessibility need or would like assistance with completing the application, please contact the DAS office. There are also computers available in the DAS office for students to complete the application, if needed.
  3. Submit any/all disability-related documentation. You will have the opportunity to upload documentation with your application and will receive an email link to upload documentation later if necessary. See the guidelines on disability documentation for more information. Every individual situation is unique, so whether or not you have documentation, and are experiencing a disability or access barrier, please submit an application for services.
  4. Complete an intake meeting. In-person and Zoom options are available. You will meet with a DAS staff member to discuss how your disability and/or health condition presents in relevant campus/educational settings.
  5. Reasonable accommodations are determined through information presented by you, any/all supporting documentation, evaluation of access barriers in environments, and DAS staff member’s professional knowledge and consultation with course instructors.
  6. Notification of approved accommodations are distributed to you by email.
  7. Each term, you must activate accommodations in a timely manner. Course instructors are notified of accommodations via the DAS AIM system.
  8. Students are responsible to engage in ongoing communication and interactions with assigned DAS staff as needed for activated accommodations. DAS staff facilitate necessary assistance when engaged by the student or faculty to ensure effective implementation of accommodations.

If at any time you have questions, require assistance obtaining information, documentation, or navigating the DAS online process or would like any forms in an accessible format, please contact the DAS office at 509-533-7169 or

ADA Compliance

Spokane Colleges complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and other relevant state and federal laws in providing services and accommodations to students with disabilities.