Spokane Community College CTE
Career Technical Education (CTE), previously known as Tech Prep, is designed for students in grades 9th-12th seeking to complete college courses in a technical field at their high school or skills center. Courses are taught by high school instructors with a CTE certification. Spokane Community College works closely with the high school or skill center CTE Directors to create articulation agreements that follow guidelines set forth by the Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges, and OSPI.
High school students in this program will complete courses that are competency based, equivalent to the college course, and will reflect state recognized and/or industry defined skill standards.
Students Getting Started
Step 1: Speak with your high school counselor to help you determine if CTE is the right fit for you.
Step 2: Log into SERS website and create an account. Our Dual Enrollment team can help you.
Step 3: Complete the online Community Colleges of Spokane application. This is needed to receive the credit on your transcript even if you do not attend CCS.
Step 4: Keep up those grades! A 2.0 or higher grade in the course(s) you complete is required to receive the credit.
For Our Partners
Articulation Request Packet
Course Learning Outcomes