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radiology technology

In 2025, SCC will begin transitioning competitive program applications to an online format, eventually phasing out paper and PDF application packets. This change aims to simplify and enhance the application process for all program applicants. While this digital transition is underway, please continue to click the 'Special Application Requirements' button to view the most current directions/guidance on how to apply to your program of interest.

If you like technology, are good with people, and want to work in the medical field, a career as a radiology technologist could be a good choice for you.

In this accredited program, you’ll learn to use sophisticated imaging tools—such as X-ray, ultrasound, CT and MRI—to capture images that help doctors treat and diagnose diseases and injuries. Courses explore anatomy, physiology, positioning and radiographic techniques. You’ll also receive hands-on clinical training in local medical imaging departments.

Upon completion of the program, you will qualify to take the national registry examination given by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). As a registered radiology technologist, you could work in a hospital, clinic, medical office or mobile unit—providing care for patients of all ages and with a variety of medical conditions.

Detailed Information

Spokane Community College Radiology Technology program (formerly Holy Family Hospital School of Radiologic Technology and Sacred Heart Medical Center School of Radiologic Technology) has graduated qualified radiologic technologists since 1965. The Radiology Technology program is full-time and runs for seven continuous quarters, with a new class beginning in September of each year. Upon successful completion of the program, the student receives an Associate of Applied Science degree and is then eligible to apply for admission to the National examination administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). A scaled score of 75 or better allows the graduate to use the title "Radiologic Technologist" and its abbreviation "R.T.(R)" after his or her name. These are the official credentials recognized by the American Medical Association.

Radiologic Technologists are an integral part of a team of healthcare workers providing patient care. Their primary duties include producing radiographic examinations that aid the physicians in diagnosing diseases and/or injuries. The Radiologic Technologist performs examinations at the request of a physician. The student's clinical hours are primarily days, Monday through Friday; however, the students are required to complete a certain number of evening shifts as well.

Upon completion and graduation of the program, students are able to take the National Registry examination given by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).


The mission of Spokane Community College aligns with the mission of the Community Colleges of Spokane: "To provide all students an excellent education that transforms their lives and expands their opportunities."


The college's goals are visionary and define what we do to accomplish our mission.

Academic Transfer

We prepare students for successful transfer to the next step of their educational journey.

Adult Basic Education

We prepare students for college-level courses by guiding, supporting, and providing the tools necessary to achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals.

Career and Technical Education

We prepare students to enter the workforce in a timely manner; supporting our community needs in available and sustainable careers with a focus on future industries.

Student Success

We provide the services and resources needed for our students to be successful.

Radiology Technology Mission Statement

The philosophy of the Radiology Technology program at Spokane Community College is to provide the health care community with qualified and competent Radiologic Technologists.

Additional Information

The following information may be found on file in the program director's office or radiologic technology student handbook:

  • Standards for an accredited radiologic technology program
  • Standards of conduct and performance
  • Disciplinary policies and procedures
  • Attendance/dress code/pregnancy policies, etc.

For general college experiences/tuition, visit our How Much Does it Cost? page.

Students in the Radiology Technology Program have additional estimated course and clinical fees.  This is an estimate and may change at any time.

  • Textbooks: $800
  • Program lab fees per quarter $234
  • Clinical Management Systems:  $260
  • Immunizations/drug test-cost to student
  • Misc. fees:  $350

Clinical Experience

During the program, you will complete a total of 1980 clinical hours. Clinical hours will help you gain valuable experience and knowledge. Visit our Clinical Hours and Clinical Sites pages to learn more.


Wondering what radiology technologists do? Would you like to learn more about the program? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Accepted Students

Once a student has been accepted into the radiology technology program, (s)he will receive the following:

  • Letter from the Program Director:

    • Offering the student acceptance into the program

    • Notification of the mandatory "New Student Orientation" class

      • The mandatory new student orientation dates and location posted above.

    • Must successfully pass a national background check

  • At the "New Student Orientation" the student will receive:

    • Orientation schedule, thus allowing the students to know what to expect and times they are in school the first three weeks of fall quarter

    • Fall class/clinical schedule, thus allowing them to plan the remainder of their schedule

    • Students will be fitted for their uniforms

    • Checklist of requirements and forms regarding various items that must be met prior to the first day of school created by the Allied Health secretaries - All of this must be turned in the by the last day of Summer Quarter for Fall Entrance. The items are:

      • Hepatitis B form/titers/vaccinations

      • Varicella vaccine documentation (Chicken Pox)

      • TB test (two separate tests or a QuantiFERON blood test)

      • MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccination or immunity documentation)

      • Drug screening

      • Flu vaccine form

      • TDaP vaccine (Ktetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis)

      • COVID-19 vaccination

    • Textbook listing for fall quarter

    • CPR Class

  • Radiology Student Handbook

  • Radiology Master Plan of Education

Helpful Links

The Joint Commission on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)

  • This board strives to promote excellence in education and enhances patient care by assuring quality and safety through the accreditation of educational programs.

American Registry for Radiologic Technologists (ARRT)

  • The national credentialing body for the various areas of radiology while ensuring patient care quality and safety. This organization tests, certifies and maintains the continuing education requirements for radiology, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy technologists.

Washington Society of Radiologic Technologists (WSRT)

  • Provides easy access to educational seminars and conferences, as well as guides the profession within the state of Washington.

American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT)

  • This society serves the radiology profession by meeting the needs of radiology technologists. This is done through providing continue education opportunities, keeping the most recent information, updating standards and curriculums in areas pertaining to radiology, as well as recruitment, retention and providing advocacy.

Goal 1: Clinical Competency: The students will be clinically competent.
Student Learning Outcomes, students will: 
- demonstrate appropriate positioning skills.
- successfully evaluate radiographic images for diagnostic quality.
- provide appropriate radiation protection skills for the patient, self and others.
- attain the technical knowledge appropriate for an entry level technologist on the ARRT examination.
Goal 2: Communication:  The students will effectively communicate:
Student Learning Outcomes, students will: 
- demonstrate effective oral communication skills with patients. 
- demonstrate effective oral communication skills with healthcare professionals. 
Goal 3: Critical Thinking:  The students will be able to effectively apply critical thinking skills.
Student Learning Outcomes, students will: 
- illustrate effective critical thinking skills. 
- demonstrate effective critical thinking skills.
Goal 4: Students will display professionalism.
Student Learning Outcomes, students will:
- demonstrate professional conduct.
- demonstrate an understanding of the importance of credentialing, licensing & professional organizations.

Breaking Ground on Your Pathway

Plan Your Courses

Meet with our counselors to customize this plan just for you. You can also search the quarterly schedule for class days and times.


English placement is not required for this program.

Prepare for College-level Math

Math placement is required for this program. If your math placement is below MATH 88, you’ll need to take the following sequence of courses, starting from the level you placed into:
AE 48 → MATH 87 → MATH 88


English placement is not required for this program.

Radiologic technologists are an integral part of the allied health team of healthcare workers providing patient care. Their primary duties include producing radiographic examinations that aid the physicians in diagnosing diseases and/or injuries. The radiologic technologist performs examinations at the request of a physician.

The technologist’s primary role is obtaining top quality radiographic images while providing patient care. Radiologic departments can be found in hospitals, freestanding clinics and physician offices. While in the program the students become proficient at performing examinations in general radiography, fluoroscopy, surgery, trauma and intensive care units.

The program meets the criteria set forth by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) in collaboration with academic guidelines set by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT). Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology, 20 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 2850, Chicago IL  60606-3182, Phone: (312) 704-5300 Fax: (312) 704-5304

Upon completion and graduation of the program the students are able to take the national registry examination given by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).

Each required course for graduation must be completed with a grade of 2.0 or better before proceeding to the next quarter. All clinicals must be completed with a grade of 2.5 or better.

National background checks and drug screening are completed at the beginning of the program and if there is a finding, clinical sites may not accept the student. This could prevent program completion, inability to take the national exam, and future employment due to a failed background check and/or drug screening.

Admission Requirements:

  • Radiology courses are limited to students of the Radiology Technology program.
  • Appropriate math score
  • Self-place into English
  • Students applying to the course must have completed 80 hours as a volunteer or employee in a patient care setting, and 10 of these hours need to be completed in a radiology department.
  • Interviews will be conducted as part of the selection process for the Radiology program.
  • Students must provide three confidential letters of recommendation.
  • Immunizations, and drug screening are required (after being accepted into the Radiology Technology program). Forms are available in the SCC registration office.
  • The following math and science prerequisites courses must have been completed within the last five years and each of the following courses must have the indicated minimum grade:
    • Computer Fundamentals (min. grade 2.0 )
    • General Biology w/Lab (min. 2.0)
    • Human A & P 1 (min. 2.5)
    • Human A & P 2  (min. 2.5)
    • Introductory Physics (min. 2.5)
    • Essentials for Algebra 2 or Algebra for Math Literacy II (min. 2.5)
    • English Composition I (min. 2.0)
    • Medical Terminology (min. 2.5)
    • Blood Borne Pathogens (SURG 105) - optional
  • All documentation must be submitted by June 25th of the year of application.

Program Map for


Choose program map:

Total Prerequisites Credits: 41

Total Program Credits: 112


First Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
General Biology with Lab  
English Composition I   2
Algebra for Math Literacy II   3
Total Credits

Second Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
Human A & P 1   1
CIS 110
Introduction to Computer Applications  
HED 125
Medical Terminology  
Total Credits

Third Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
Human A & P 2  
PHYS 100
Introductory Physics  
SURG 105
Blood-borne Pathogens and HIV/AIDS   4
Total Credits

Program Courses

NOTE: You must apply and be accepted into the program before taking the following courses

First Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
RAD 111
Radiographic Positioning I  
RAD 113
Patient Care and Ethics I  
RAD 114
Radiographic Image Evaluation I  
RAD 115
Radiographic Principles I  
RAD 116
Clinical Education I  
Total Credits

Second Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
RAD 121
Radiographic Positioning II  
RAD 123
Patient Care and Ethics II  
RAD 124
Radiographic Image Evaluation II  
RAD 125
Radiographic Principles II  
RAD 126
Clinical Education II  
RAD 127
Mobile/Surgical Procedures  
Total Credits

Third Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
RAD 131
Radiographic Positioning III  
RAD 134
Radiographic Image Evaluation III  
RAD 136
Clinical Education III  
RAD 145
Radiographic Principles III  
Total Credits

Fourth Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
RAD 141
Radiographic Positioning IV  
RAD 144
Radiographic Image Evaluation IV  
RAD 146
Clinical Education IV  
RAD 235
Total Credits

Fifth Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
RAD 212
Quality Management  
RAD 213
Various Modalities  
RAD 214
Radiographic Image Evaluation V  
RAD 215
Radiation Biology and Protection  
RAD 216
Clinical Education V  
Total Credits

Sixth Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
RAD 211
Radiographic Positioning V  
RAD 223
Radiation Pathology  
RAD 224
Radiographic Image Evaluation VI  
RAD 225
Skull and GI Review  
RAD 226
Clinical Education VI  
Total Credits

Seventh Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
RAD 236
Clinical Education VII  
RAD 237
Review and Registration Preparation  
RAD 238
CAT Scan  
RAD 239
Advanced Image Evaluation  
Total Credits

1 This course has a prerequisite of BIOL& 160.
2 This related education requirement may be met by any course or combination of courses approved by the instructional dean.
3 MATH 88 can be substituted with MATH 72.
4 This course may be taken during the first quarter of the program. Recommended to take prior to enrollment.

Estimated costs for completing this program

WA Resident
$ 15,921
$ 19,309
$ 36,504
$ 2,034
$ 2,034
$ 2,034
Course Fees
$ 693
$ 693
$ 693
Institutional Fees
$ 1,120
$ 1,120
$ 5,324
Supplies and Materials
$ 1,650
$ 1,650
$ 1,650
Total Costs
$ 21,418
$ 24,806
$ 46,205

Costs for completing a degree or certificate can vary. For more information about costs, visit our How Much Does it Cost? page.

  • Kimberly Eikum
    Kimberly Eikum
    B.S., Weber State University; M.Ed, Eastern Washington University; R.T. (R) (M) (ARRT)

  • Helen Murphy
    Helen Murphy
    B.S., University of St. Francis, ARRT
  • Jamie Tevis
    Jamie Tevis
    A.A.S., Spokane Community College; B.S., Boise State University; M.Ed., Eastern Washington University

The Radiology Technology program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). The program currently holds an 8-year accreditation with JRCERT. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found here.

Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 N Wacker Dr Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606

To learn about the Radiology Technology program objectives, see our Program Effectiveness Goals. To see information such as exam passing rates, graduation rates, and employment rates, see our Program Effectiveness Data. To view recent results for the program, see our Assessment Plan Results.

Additional Application Requirements

Program start: Fall (competitive entry)
Pre-requisites: Yes
Program length: 7 quarters
Number of students each start: 21
For 2024 application year: volunteer hours are still needed
but will be assessed on case by case basis.
Contact Kimberly Eikum by email for questions or approval.

Applications deadline: June 25th
Please note: Application Packet

Attention: As of January 1, 2022 all students attending the Radiology Technology Program must have the COVID vaccination in order to attend clinical. Exemptions are not allowed in the clinical environment.

Complete Application Deadline: June 25, 2025

Interviews will be scheduled by the program director and will be conducted on July 8th and 9th, 2025 (no exceptions on the days).

There will be a mandatory new student orientation session for Radiology Technology students, Wednesday, July 30th, 2025, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in Building 7, Room 133.

Admission to the Radiology Technology program requires: 

  1. A two-part interview

    1. Interviews will be scheduled by the program director. Dates posted above. (no exceptions on the days).

  2. A high school diploma or having passed the General Education Development Test (GED)

  3. The following courses:

    1. Computer Fundamentals (min. grade 2.0 )

    2. General Biology w/Lab (min. 2.0)

    3. Human A & P 1 (min. 2.5)

    4. Human A & P 2  (min. 2.5)

    5. Introductory Physics (min. 2.5)

    6. Essentials of Algebra 2 or Algebra for Math Literacy II (Min. 2.5)

    7. English Composition I (min. 2.0)

    8. Medical Terminology (min. 2.5)

    9. Blood Borne Pathogens (SURG 105) - optional

  4. Appropriate math placement

  5. Three confidential letters of recommendation

  6. All college transcripts

  7. Documentation of 80 hours as a volunteer or employee in a patient care setting and ten of those hours must be completed in radiology. The 80 hours must be completed by June 25 of the year the student is applying for. For more information, visit our Volunteer page.

**Please see a counselor for course substitutions when taking pre-requisite courses.**

Please note: The radiology technology program does not accept transfer students from other radiology programs. A student wishing to transfer must complete meet the admission requirements for the program, including the interview process. If accepted into the program, the student will be required to complete the program in its entirety.

Have a question? Let's hear it.

Kimberly Eikum

Program Director


Scott Anderson

Pathway Specialist


Megan Fadeley

Academic Counseling Liaison


Callie Hanson

Academic Counseling Liaison


Bill Rambo

Academic Counseling Liaison