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Ready to go to college?

application icon
Let's get started.

Apply to Spokane Community College (SCC) or Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC) in order to get a ctcLink ID number and register for classes.

What happens next?

  1. Orientation: You’ll complete a new student orientation in Canvas, our learning management system.
  2. Placement: You will work with our Onboarding office to determine which English and Math classes you should take.
  3. Financial Aid: If you would like to apply for financial aid, you will file a FAFSA and work with the Financial Aid Office to determine eligibility.
  4. Academic Advising: You will work with the Counseling Center to determine what classes you need for your academic program.

Let's get you ready and registered.

We want all our students to feel set up for success. After applying, please watch for an email detailing your next steps.


Need to apply for admission first?



Admissions & Registration


Staff available on campus by appointment only. To request an appointment email


Not a Washington resident? No problem.

Students from all states are welcome to apply! Spokane Community College (SCC) and Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC) are members of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). This allows us to offer distance education to students in member states without seeking individual approval.


Attending University elsewhere?

from online to classroom icon
Use our quick admit process

If you currently attend another college or university and want to take an online class to transfer back to your main school, you can simply send this Quick Admit application to the Admissions department instead of the Admissions Application.

stick figure sitting down with a laptop in it's lap

You pick the time, you pick the place.