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In 2025, SCC will begin transitioning competitive program applications to an online format, eventually phasing out paper and PDF application packets. This change aims to simplify and enhance the application process for all program applicants. While this digital transition is underway, please continue to click the 'Special Application Requirements' button to view the most current directions/guidance on how to apply to your program of interest.

Are you interested in using technology to help patients? Echocardiography might be the program for you.

This program is commonly referred to as ""Echo"". Echocardiography technologists use sophisticated computers and cutting-edge technology to create and read sound waves in order to capture videos and images of the heart. These ultrasounds allow us to see into the body without pain or radiation so cardiologists can evaluate the function of the heart and plan possible treatment.

SCC's two-year program focuses on the adult heart and diseases that affect it. However, you also work with pediatric patients and even discuss the heart in the fetus. You become internationally registered by one of two international credentialing agencies that allow you to literally work anywhere in the world.

You will be among the highest paid and most sought after allied health workers, including nursing. You can work in a large variety of healthcare facilities ranging from hospitals to clinics and even administration or sales.

Detailed Information

The first year of the program consists of learning in the classroom with laboratory experience on real equipment and real people. Later, you begin clinical rotations in hospitals and clinics and work on real cardiac patients. During the final six months of the program, students are placed full-time in a clinical setting, refining their skills and preparing to work. During this time, many students are placed in clinical sites throughout the U.S. A few students are able to stay in Spokane.

Application Process

Please complete the following steps for consideration to participate in the DMS program selective interview process. All application materials are due by 6/30 to the Registration Office in Building 15 (1810 N Greene Street, MS 2151).

  1. Applicants are responsible for gaining admission to SCC and submitting official transcripts documenting completion of prerequisites to the SCC Transcript Office.
  2. Complete the application worksheet and provide requested documentation to include:
    • Unofficial transcripts of all college credits
    • Volunteer documentation
    • Three professional reference letters in sealed envelope
  3. Submission deadline for Fall quarter is June 30th of the year of application. Applications must be postmarked by 6/30 or dropped off at the Registration Office in Building 15 by 6/30.
  4. Ensure current email address on file in ctcLink for notification of interview date and time (Interviews scheduled during 3rd full week of July) if application is found to be complete.

Applicants should be aware that National Background Checks conducted during the first and fourth quarters of the program to ensure records are free of felonies or other infractions that might preclude clinical placement or employment in a field with access to vulnerable patients.

Within 30 days of clinical assignment, required immunizations and drug screening are collected.  Additional information distributed during the first quarter of the program.

Sonography courses are limited to students officially enrolled in the DMS program.

Additional Application Requirements

Program start: Fall (competitive entry)
Pre-requisites: Yes
Program length: 7 quarters
Number of students each start: 14
Contact:Tyler Roberts 509-533-7309
Applications deadline: June 30
Please noteEchocardiography Program Information

  1. Perform high quality noninvasive cardiovascular tests on patients, while tailoring the examinations to bring out abnormalities present. Develop skill in performing m-mode, two-dimensional and doppler echocardiograms, electrocardiograms, exercise tolerance testing, ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring and pacemaker reprogramming and monitoring.
  2. Quantitate, subjectively evaluate and interpret data collected to assist the physician in arriving at a diagnosis.
  3. Develop clinical understanding of the anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of the major adult and pediatric cardiac diseases and deformities.
  4. Communicate effectively in a professional manner with physicians, patients and members of health teams.

Breaking Ground on Your Pathway

Plan Your Courses

Meet with our counselors to customize this plan just for you. You can also search the quarterly schedule for class days and times.

Prepare for College-level Math

Math placement is required for this program. If your math placement is below MATH& 146, you’ll need to take the following sequence of courses, starting from the level you placed into:
AE 48 → MATH 87 → MATH 88 → MATH& 107 or MATH& 146


English placement is not required for this program.

Echocardiography is an Allied Health profession specifically concerning the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cardiac and peripheral vascular disease. The technologist performs examinations at the request or direction of a physician. Through subjective sampling and/or recording, the technologist proceeds with the examination to create an easily definable foundation of data from which a correct anatomic and physiologic diagnosis may be established for each patient.

The primary role of the cardiovascular sonographer is to obtain recordings of ultrasound images of the heart and related structures for the physician to interpret. The various types of ultrasound equipment require a highly skilled operator to obtain the imaging information or other data required. The cardiovascular sonographer must obtain appropriate clinical history, cardiac-related physical findings, and pertinent laboratory data in order to adapt the imaging techniques to obtain comprehensive and diagnostic echocardiographic information. The Cardiovascular Technology Programs (Invasive and Noninvasive) are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee for Cardiovascular Technology (  JRC-CVT 6 Pine Knoll Dr. Beverly, MA 01915-1425 (978) 456-5594.  Students within the Echocardiography program are required to complete a six month, full-time clinical internship.  As clinical space is limited in Spokane and the surrounding area, the student may be required to complete their internship in an out-of-town and/or out-of-area medical center.   

Admission Requirements:

  • ECHO courses are limited to students of the Echocardiography program
  • Active email account required
  • Appropriate math score
  • Self-place into English
  • A 2.5 grade in each prerequisite course is required and course completion should be no older than 5 years
  • Admission to the ECHO program is competitive and based on a panel interview, prerequisite course GPA, additional math, science, and healthcare related coursework, quality of reference letters, and completion of 40 hours volunteerism in healthcare and cardiovascular ultrasound
  • A 2.0 (79%) is required in every program course to proceed to the next quarter
  • National background check is conducted prior to admission and 4th quarter of the program
  • Immunizations, current healthcare provider CPR, and 7 hour blood borne pathogen training are required prior to clinical internship in the 4th quarter
  • Selective clinical sites require a ten-panel drug screen within 30 days of clinical internship
  • Return to the program is based on "space available" and requires remedial work to demonstrate knowledge base appropriate with program re-entry point
  • After re-entry, students may only repeat a class one time. Repeat of courses must be completed within two years
Admission Recommendations:
  • Computer skills are recommended
  • Some students find completion of CHEM 120 Organic and Biochemistry for Health Sciences and CHEM 121 helpful to learning in the program
  • Additional healthcare related courses such as HED 109, 129 or nursing assistant coursework
After entering the Echocardiography program, students are required to maintain a minimum of a 2.0 grade in each class before proceeding to the next quarter. Students need to realize that clinical site placement could require relocation outside of the immediate Spokane area for 10 (4 weeks in August and 6 months for full time) months.


Program Map for


Choose program map:

Total Prerequisites Credits: 45

Total Program Credits: 115


First Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
General Biology with Lab  
English Composition I  
Introduction to Statistics   1
Total Credits

Second Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
Human A & P 1  
Interpersonal Communication  
HED 125
Medical Terminology  
Total Credits

Third Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
Human A & P 2  
HED 109
Human Physiology and Disease  
PHYS 100
Introductory Physics  
Total Credits

Program Courses

NOTE: You must apply and be accepted into the program before taking the following courses

First Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
ECHO 100
Introduction to Echo and Vascular  
ECHO 105
Introductory Echocardiographic Technical Skills  
ECHO 112
Vascular Fundamentals  
ECHO 115
Vascular Fundamentals Technical Skills  
ECHO 118
Cardiovascular Physiology I  
ECHO 125
Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation I  
ECHO 213
ECHO 214
Electrocardiography Lab  
Total Credits

Second Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
ECHO 121
Technical Skills/Vascular Procedures I  
ECHO 122
Vascular Procedures I  
ECHO 130
Echo Fundamentals Lab  
ECHO 133
Echo Fundamentals  
ECHO 135
Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation II  
ECHO 138
Cardiovascular Physiology II  
Total Credits

Third Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
ECHO 131
Core Concepts in Echo Vasc  
ECHO 136
Comparative Imaging Analysis  
ECHO 253
Echocardiography I  
ECHO 254
Technical Skills Echocardiography I  
Total Credits

Fourth Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
ECHO 139
Surgical Asepsis  
ECHO 140
Technical Skills/Surgical Asepsis  
ECHO 142
Echo Clinical Preparation  
ECHO 143
Echo Clinical I  
ECHO 255
Research Methods and Biostatistics  
Total Credits

Fifth Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
ECHO 251
Echocardiography Clinical II  
ECHO 252
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology  
ECHO 263
Echocardiography II  
ECHO 264
Technical Skills Echo II  
Total Credits

Sixth Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
ECHO 261
Echocardiography Clinical III  
ECHO 265
Echocardiography Seminar I  
Total Credits

Seventh Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
ECHO 273
Echocardiography Clinical IV  
ECHO 275
Echocardiography Seminar II  
Total Credits

1 Or any counselor approved 100 level math course.

Technical Standards

Echo/NCT Technologists must be able to:

  1. Lift more than 50 pounds routinely

  2. Push and pull routinely

  3. Bend and stoop routinely

  4. Have full use of both hands, wrists, and shoulders

  5. Distinguish audible sounds

  6. Adequately view sonograms, including color distinctions

  7. Work standing on their feet 80% of the time

  8. Interact compassionately and effectively with the sick or injured

  9. Assist patient on and off examining tables

  10. Communicate effectively with patients and other health care professionals

  11. Organize and accurately perform the individual steps in a sonographic procedure in the proper sequence

Reference: Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Program Requirements

Health Science Students Clinical Files

Students must have their health science clinical files completed before they attend clinical. Students reentering the programs or entering with advanced standing, must update their files before attending clinical.

All required paperwork is to be turned in to the health science office: Building 9, Room 132.

Photocopy Originals required

Estimated costs for completing this program

WA Resident
$ 16,449
$ 19,451
$ 37,042
$ 1,623
$ 1,623
$ 1,623
Course Fees
$ 744
$ 744
$ 744
Institutional Fees
$ 1,120
$ 1,120
$ 5,324
Supplies and Materials
$ 1,215
$ 1,215
$ 1,215
Total Costs
$ 21,151
$ 24,153
$ 45,948

Costs for completing a degree or certificate can vary. For more information about costs, visit our How Much Does it Cost? page.

The Cardiovascular Technology Programs (Invasive and ECHO) are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee for Cardiovascular Technology.

To contact the accrediting agencies:

25400 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 158
Clearwater, FL 33763

6 Pine Knoll Dr.
Beverly, MA 01915-1425

JRC-CVT Outcome Measure JRC-CVT Standard SCC Echocardiography Program Outcomes
    3 Year Average 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
National Exam Pass Rate CCI 60.0% 100.00% 100.00%   100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
National Exam Pass Rate ARDMS 60.0% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Retention 70.0% 66.6% 56.3% 75.0% 68.4% 70.6% 64.7%
Job (positive) Placement 70.0% 100% 100.00% 100.00% 92.3% 92.3% 100%


Students must meet or exceed the following admissions requirements to be accepted in the Echocardiography program at SCC:

  1. Complete the SCC admissions application by the application deadline.

  2. Be a high school graduate or have passed the General Education Development test (GED).

  3. Complete the required prerequisite college courses within 5 years of the application quarter. See the application packet for courses.

  4. Submit all official transcripts to SCC Transcript Office. Unofficial transcripts (copies) must be included in application packet

  5. Submit 3 confidential letters of recommendation. Sealed envelopes must be included in the application packet.

  6. Show documentation of 40 hours as a volunteer or employee in a patient care setting and 10 of those hours much be completed in echocardiography.

  7. Complete an interview scheduled by the selection committee.

  8. Complete a clear national background check (required after being accepted into the program)

  9. Sign the consent and release for authorizing SCC to perform a 10 panel drug screening (required after being accepted into the program)

Selection Procedure

Final selection for the Echocardiography Program is based on the high school and college GPA, completion of pre-requisite courses, grades received, letters of recommendation, and the personal interview.

Application Packet

Find all our application in the most recent application packet:

Please deliver application packet to the Registration Office in Building 15 (1810 N Greene Street Spokane, WA 99217-5399). Packets may be submitted up to 3 months prior to the application due date.

Have a question? Let's hear it.

Scott Anderson

Pathway Specialist


Callie Hanson

Academic Counseling Liaison


Bill Rambo

Academic Counseling Liaison


Megan Fadeley

Academic Counseling Liaison


Tyler Roberts

Program Director