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If you are interested in becoming a professional esthetician, our one-year certificate program will prepare you for a career in skin care as an esthetician.

You will receive training in all phases of skin care, including the use of the most modern facial machines, temporary hair removal (including waxing) and various types of facial treatments. You will learn face, neck and hand massage techniques.

In addition, safety and sanitation measures are stressed throughout the program, and you will prepare you to take the Washington State Examination in esthetics. You will also gain real-world experience in our student-operated salon, Inspirations.

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Math placement is not required for this program.
English placement is not required for this program.
Students must have a esthetician license.

Advanced Master esthetics is an expanding scope of practice that offers a variety of employment opportunities. SCC’s Advanced Master Esthetics program provides the education and training needed to successfully compete in today’s job market. Upon successful completion of the 450–hour program, students are prepared to take the Washington State Examination of Advanced Master Esthetics. After passing this exam, they will be qualified to receive a license for Advanced Master Esthetics. 
This program includes advanced training on skin care treatments, massage, operation of advanced facial devices and products. In depth training of chemistry, biochemistry, skin analysis, understanding of laser, light energy and radiofrequency used as it relates to the skin. This course is well balanced with theory and the hands-on applications of everything taught.  Students enrolled in the Advanced Master Esthetician program will receive basic training, understanding, and safe use of medical devices with the FDA approval of a “prescriptive device” under the supervision of a physician while the student participates in the internship. In addition, safety and sanitation measures are stressed throughout the program.  
Students must complete the program and pass the exit exams to be prepared to take the Washington State examination for Advanced Master Esthetician. 

Career Opportunities
Advanced Master Estheticians may be employed by plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and health/med spas. Som potential opportunities consist of a medical office esthetician, a laser specialist, med spa coordinator and trainer, salon owner, and/or a sales representative.

Program Requirements: 

  • Students must maintain a 2.0 in all professional classes to complete the program and pass exit exams with a minimum score of 2.0 to be prepared to take the Washington State Examination of Advanced Master Esthetician        
  • Upon successful completion of the coursework, the student will be prepared to take the Washington State Examination of Advanced Master Esthetician. 
  • COS 275 is available for students who have not accumulated enough hours to satisfy the Advanced Master Esthetics certificate.
Physical Requirements: 
  • Normal or corrected vision      
  • Physical dexterity, i.e., small grasp manipulation      
  • Must be able to work with arms at shoulder level for extended periods of time 
  • Must be able to stand for extended periods of time 

Program Map for


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Total Program Credits: 26

Program Courses

First Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
COS 221
Advanced Master Esthetics Concepts 1  
COS 222
Advanced Master Esthetics Applications 1  
Total Credits

Second Quarter

Course ID
Course Title
COS 231
Advanced Master Esthetics Concepts 2  
COS 232
Advanced Master Esthetics Application 2   1
Total Credits

1 1 credit of COS 232 may be substituted with COS 288 with the permission of the instructor. Washington State Licensure requirements allow up to 10% of the students’ academic instruction to be met at an off–campus site.

Estimated costs for completing this program

WA Resident
$ 2,930
$ 3,721
$ 6,990
$ 498
$ 498
$ 498
Course Fees
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0
Institutional Fees
$ 224
$ 224
$ 1,065
Total Costs
$ 3,652
$ 4,443
$ 8,553

Costs for completing a degree or certificate can vary. For more information about costs, visit our How Much Does it Cost? page.

Have a question? Let's hear it.

Kim Rose

Pathway Specialist


Alaynah Hardesty

Workforce Transition Specialist


John Michel

Academic Counseling Liaison


Paula Anselmo

Department Chair


Deanna Pixley

Department Chair